Countries using the YYYYMMDD Date Format (Big-Endian)

Here are the List of Countries which uses the YMD OR YYYYMMDD format (YEAR-MONTH-DATE). This format is also known as big-endian date format.

The examples of short form of dates are: 2022/12/31 or 2022-12-31 or 2022-12.31, while the date is also represented as 12/31 or 12-31 or 12.31

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Åland
  3. Albania
  4. Argentina
  5. Australia
  6. Austria
  7. Bhutan
  8. Botswana
  9. Cameroon
  10. Canada
  11. China
  12. Christmas Island
  13. Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  14. Cuba
  15. Czech Republic
  16. Denmark
  17. Djibouti
  18. Eritrea
  19. Estonia
  20. Eswatini (Swaziland)
  21. France
  22. Germany
  23. Ghana
  24. Guinea
  25. Hong Kong
  26. Hungary
  27. India
  28. Iran, Islamic Republic of
  29. Italy
  30. Jamaica
  31. Japan
  32. Kazakhstan
  33. Kenya
  34. North Korea
  35. South Korea
  36. Lesotho
  37. Lithuania
  38. Macau
  39. Maldives
  40. Mongolia
  41. Myanmar
  42. Namibia
  43. Nepal
  44. Norway
  45. Poland
  46. Portugal
  47. Russian Federation
  48. Rwanda
  49. Singapore
  50. South Africa
  51. Spain
  52. Sri Lanka
  53. Sweden
  54. Taiwan
  55. United Kingdom
  56. United States of America
  57. Uzbekistan
  58. Vietnam
  59. Zimbabwe

Last Updated: 6 Aug, 2022,
Author: Muruganandam

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