28 DTC Bus Route Delhi (Bhai Mati Das Chowk - West Patel Nagar) - Delhi Transport Bus & Private Bus schedule information and time table Details:

Find the latest DTC Bus Routes, DTC Time-Table 2024 (For Delhi)

Route Details for DTC Bus Number 28:

Starting Point: Bhai Mati Das Chowk
End Point: West Patel Nagar

Stand Wise Route Details for DTC Route 28:

Stop 1: Bhai Mati Das Chowk - West Patel Nagar [28]

Stop 2: Mandi House

Stop 3: Arya Samaj Road

Stop 4: Teliphone Exchange

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Returning Route Details for DTC Bus Number 28:

Starting Point: West Patel Nagar
End Point: Bhai Mati Das Chowk

Stand Wise Returning Route Details for DTC Route 28:

Stop 1: Teliphone Exchange

Stop 2: Arya Samaj Road

Stop 3: Mandi House

Stop 4: Bhai Mati Das Chowk - West Patel Nagar [28]

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27 July, 2024

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